Tips For Promoting A Concert For A Cause
By: IT Admin
Carols by Candlelight has been a long tradition of the Australian Christmas. Aimed to raise funds for charity, the event that started in the 1900s has now become a household tradition that is attended and watched by families all over the country. Now, smaller events are held by individual communities, churches, and even local councils. If you are planning to have your own version of Carols by Candlelight, there are several things you need to consider to make your concert for a cause a success:
The name of your event will be in all of your communications, advertisements, and marketing material. Keep the name simple but memorable, and if possible, related to the charity you are supporting.
Advertising is crucial in any event – your concert wouldn’t do your charity any good if people didn’t know about it. Make sure you allow ample time (at least two weeks) to advertise your event.
Though it would be okay to advertise and invite people near the area where the concert will be held, you can gain a bigger audience by expanding your reach. Even people who live far away may be willing to travel in support of your cause.
Get in touch with your local newspaper or radio station and see if they can plug the event for you. Some would do it at a minimal or at no charge when it’s for a charity. In exchange, you can promote their contribution in your own advertising material.
Tell your friends and family, and encourage them to pass the word. You can have them hand out flyers, or to be a bit more memorable, have magnetic badges and fridge magnets distributed with details about the event. These promotional items should clearly give the details of your event: event name, date and time, venue, and beneficiary are the major pieces of information you should have. You can order custom magnets and badges from
Dandy and get them fast with lowest price guaranteed.
If you expect people to make a donation or purchase tickets to a concert, you want to make sure that you are getting quality performers. When people have to sit for two to three hours to listen to Christmas carols, you have to make sure that your audience doesn’t end up regretting it. If you want your audience’s continued support for your charity even after the concert, they should feel good about the experience.
There are many responsibilities involved in organizing a concert no matter how small, and is not a task for one person or one group alone. Create committees who will be in charge of the performers, the venue, advertising, tickets, etc. You should also have people assigned to answer inquiries about the event. Finally, on the day of the concert itself, make sure that the concert organizers know who is in charge of what.
Christmas carols will always be part of the holidays, and if you can combine the joy of music with the gift of giving, you would touch a few more souls this holiday season.