Environment Policy
Dandy Badges & Magnets recognises the importance of environmental protection. We are committed to operating our business responsibly and in compliance with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to our industry.It is our objective to operate with, and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies.
It is our policy to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to facilitate the ability to continually improve environmental performance.
- 1. Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of our equipment plant and operations
- 2. Adhere to all relevant regulations concerning waste and environmental well-being
- 3. Ensure all employees are aware of environmental issues
- 4. Minimise the production of waste
- 5. Minimise material wastage and actively promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials
- 6. Minimise energy wastage
- 7. Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land and air. Dispose of waste under controlled conditions when re-cycling and/or the re-use of the materials is not an available option.
- 8. Control noise emissions from operations
- 9. Minimise risk to the general public and employees from our operations and activities.
This policy is available to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors, clients and the public.
Specific initiatives by the company include:
- * Solid and liquid production wastes are disposed of via licensed contractors.
- * Commitment to reduction in energy levels through improved efficiencies to reduce Greenhouse gases.
- * Storage of files on hard drives to eliminate use of CDs & DVDs.
- * Recycling of aluminium printing plates.
- * Recycling of waste paper & cardboard.
- * Preventative maintenance agreements to ensure equipment is working to maximum energy efficiency.
- * Where practical, eliminate printing plates and processing through digital short-run workflow.
- * Eliminate photographic film processing through Computer To Plate (CTP) systems with minimal wastage.
- * Wherever possible use Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) papers or papers produced under the Well Managed Forest (WMF) and Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) programmes. FSC is an international not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.
- * Where possible use vegetable or soy-based printing inks.
- * Actively explore, create and implement ways to prevent pollution and conserve natural resources.
- * Pursue a waste minimisation plan by working to increase the amount of wastage recycled and reduce the amount of wastage sent to landfill.
Dandy Badges and Magnets welcomes and encourages suggestions for further initiatives to enhance its environmental activity.